Slow → articles in Another Feature

2023 — 2024

Looking back at an unexpected year

In Wim Wenders’ extraordinary 2023 film Perfect Days the viewer witnesses the life of a Tokio public toilet cleaner portrayed by an excellent Kōji Yakusho. In the entire film the character is questioned only once about his job by his estranged sister. Not with disrespect for the profession, but rather suggesting that in another life his interests were completely elsewhere. But what at that point the viewer knows, but she doesn't, is that his heavily routined life interweaves those interests with doing his job. Everything the character does is done with the same dedication and respect. His routines offer a pretty effective guideline through the chaos, while in the dedication behind his actions lays the purpose to give it all some meaning. A centered life, clearly rooted in the Japanese tradition. Giving us some new perspectives on what knew all along. [ Continue reading ]

2022 – 2023

In 22 pictures

When looking back at 2022, it is safe to say that reading David W. Marx’s excellent 'Status and Culture’ was among the most cathartic experiences. Marx’s elaborate observations on how culture moves through society is both enlightening and confronting. Reading his immaculately formed thoughts about the world we live in, granted us new perspectives on our own behaviour. Both as a consumer and an active participant and observer of culture as as whole. It has a been a rather strange year of (post-)pandemic life, the third half following those two earlier exceptionally strange years. Marx’s book offered some fundamental clarity about the times we live in. And what we strive for in the coming year(s) of the Another Something macrocosm. [ Continue reading ]

Gift Guide ’22

Here’s a small list with our most fav and desirable things we found over 2022. From drinks, to books, to accessories and garments to art. From static to mobile. From the everyday to the exclusive. Head over to for the full list. Enjoy!… [ Continue reading ]

Run, Run, My Heart

11 Beaches

For the 11Stranden Tocht, a 60km run along 11 beaches following the Dutch coastline, we are making a long sleeve performance shirt to raise money for the Dutch Heart Foundation.
For this one we’ve teamed up again with Lennard Kok to create a special artwork to accompany the quote by meditation teacher and long distance runner Sri Chinmoy. The shirt is brought to you by Office of Information, supported by Tenue de Nîmes and printed on a high quality performance shirt from Patagonia. [ Continue reading ]

2017 — 2018

While we are in the last few hours of 2017, it is time to look back on a year in which a long list of new chapters were opened within the worlds of ...,staat and NewWerktheater; New Amsterdam and of course Another Something — which sums up the core of all of our individual activities. Despite the undeniable fact that a complete new horizon has risen for the both of us in the last twelve months, bringing a totally renewed field of demands and focus points, it still feels like a year in which we have gotten closer to the place where we would like to be at most. A place where we are both able to do what we do best. More-so, it was also a year in which we were reminded urgently to not take anything for granted, which we'll keep in the back of our heads from this particular moment on.

While aiming to do exactly this: taking nothing for granted, pushing ourselves to stay as hungry and ambitious as before, it proved that what we have done through Another Something for years remains as relevant as ever. Single out the people, projects and thoughts that inspire us most, continues to be the recipe that forms the fundament in everything we do, regardless of the particular field. Beyond finding inspiration and new thoughts in the work of others, above all it was a pleasure to collaborate with Lennard Kok, Suzan Becking and Michiel Verweij; Jackie Villevoye and Victor Ponten, giving us the chance to be part in three incredible projects: Fallen Bird, Aesthetic Memories and the upcoming feature film Catacombe. As the latter will be in cinemas only in September, there is no doubt in our minds that the upcoming year will be another one to be very excited about, holding many things to look forward to already as we write this — let's just all start trying to reduce the noise and grab life only by the horns that really matter in 2018... We are ready for it. [ Continue reading ]

Fallen Bird

Another x Lennard Kok

From the moment we worked with Utrecht-based illustrator Lennard Kok for the rebrand of Travelteq in 2015, the ambition was set to collaborate again. Eventually it took another year to really sit down and discuss it. At that point Lennard confessed he wanted to explore new terrain in his artistic practice and shared his ambition to reach beyond illustration. Through our consensual admiration for certain inspirational artist editions, we set the bar at next level and eventually came to the conclusion this would mean we needed to take Lennard's clear lined flat signature and find a way to translate it into the sculptural. More so, as paradigms continue to shift under the pressures of digital globalization with significant fractures ahead of us that seem to usher in a new era, we searched for a statement that (at least in our heads) would mark the specific moment of creation.

In the dialogue that followed, we kept returning to a series of crashed vehicles Lennard had made earlier that year. When we finally started seeing the airplane out of that series as the ultimate symbol, we knew we had found our subject that represented everything we aimed for. From that moment Michiel Verweij joined the project to bring Lennard's vision to life in 3D and soon Suzan Becking formed the last element of the equation as we wanted to materialize the sculpture into the perfect paradox: a crashing plane made out of porcelain. The final quest for perfection started, and eventually took a little longer than we hoped, but Friday the 13th, at last, graphite on paper was transformed into a black porcelain sculpture which we named 'Fallen Bird'.

We are extremely proud to present the result of our shared endeavor and are very thankful for this inspirational experience alongside Lennard, Michiel and Suzan. Now it's time for this 'Fallen Bird' to find its way all over the world again... We are ready for the next one (stay tuned)! [ Continue reading ]

A Saturday at Fondazione Prada

Exactly two months ago we travelled to Milan (unexpectedly as a road trip, due to a storm in Amsterdam) to visit our friend Roel. Looking back at that weekend in February once more; it is safe to conclude that it turned out to be a greatly inspirational (Jos Brink-themed) couple of days, in which we were able to see some of nature's most beautiful hidden treasures in the marble quarries of Carrara ánd some of humankind's more interesting creations when we visited the sweaty Pinacoteca di Brera; the Pirelli HangarBicocca to, for the first time, see Anselm Kiefer's mysterious towers up close; and (finally!) Rem Koolhaas' Fondazione Prada Foundation, where we had the chance to experience the deeply haunting and still extremely relevant 'Kienholz:Five Car Stud' exhibition and sat down with Boglioli's former Creative Director Davide Marello for an enlightening conversation on the state of Italian tailored menswear fashion. The low, late winter sun was out, the sky was blue and the air was cool: this is that rather perfect Saturday at the incredible Fondazione Prada Foundation in captures by Joachim. [ Continue reading ]

Moments of Magnification

...,staat for Cartier at De Bijenkorf in Amsterdam

With Joachim's decision to merge Atelier Joachim Baan with his frequently collaborator, creative design agency ...,staat, and myself taking a position at the newly formed Amsterdam-based cinema juggernaut New Amsterdam Film Company since the beginning of 2017, there very likely will be a significantly broader scope of projects we worked on that will be passing in review here. (Next to all the exciting exclusive Another Something projects that will take shape in the coming months, of course.) The first hugely exciting project (that Joachim worked on) comes from ...,staat, who just presented an extraordinary creation for French luxury house Société Cartier at their corner window at luxury department store De Bijenkorf.  [ Continue reading ]

2016 — 2017

While we are wrapping up 2016, we’re looking back once again to everything we have done with Another Something. Another year has passed in which we shared all of the inspirational things that moved us in the realms of fashion, travel, craftsmanship, creative culture, printed matter, cycling and photography, did some super inspiring interviews and worked on fantastic projects, that are yet to be released. It was the year where we decided to do ‘Less but Better’ and it really worked out! From creating less, but better content with Another Something, to focussing on the things we really enjoy: building brands in the richest way possible. We stepped down as creative partner at Tenue de Nîmes, ended our adventure with Our Current Obsessions and decided to celebrate our collaboration with …,staat in merging Atelier Joachim Baan into …,staat from the start of 2017 onwards. There are also some extremely exiting projects we’ve been working on over the past months, which we’re not yet allowed to share, but can’t until the moment we can in early 2017!

Exciting times are ahead of us! [ Continue reading ]

Abel — vita odor

With the closing of the year upon us, looking back at the rather strange and undeniably eventful period of time that was 2016, there is still one important story that needs to be shared here: the transformation of Amsterdam-based perfume house Abel, which we worked on for most of the last twelve months and eventually was presented to the world at Tenue de Nîmes last month. It is a story that started already at the end of 2015 and on many levels became one of the most gratifying assignments completed in the last few years, period.

Although it is often not the first thing mentioned when speaking on these particular things, for us it was first and foremost of the highest pleasure to experience the kind of confidence in our vision as shown by Abel founder Frances Shoemack, who started her brand with two all-organic perfumes in 2012 and came to us in the winter of last year to redefine a new direction for the future. At that point several new fragrances were being perfected by Abel's 'nose' Isaac Sinclair, which would mark an important new chapter that asked to completely rethink all the existing paradigms. Finding strong inspirational anchor points through the traditional start of our proces; a deep dive into, in this particular case, the world of niche parfums, complemented by for instance the work of British poet T.S. Eliot, having a focus on the experience of time, and subsequently finding a visual language that in the richest way possible would translate the conceptual framework on an aesthetic level — over the course of the months that passed it resulted in a sharply redefined strategy, a rigorous repositioning of the brand and aligned with that new direction a completely restyled identity for the, at this point perfected, five piece collection of elegant natural 'living' fragrances that we coined vita odor. 

With some time passed, we can look back at both the process and the fruits of the work, and it is safe to say: it makes us as proud as anything we initiated ourselves in the past and it was a unique pleasure to have been part of it all. Now it's time the rest of the world finds out about Abel too! [ Continue reading ]

The Mottainai Nº 1

Inspired by the Japanese 'Mottainai' (もったいない) tradition which is centered around the idea that every object has a soul and should never be wasted, we are beyond the moon, together with optical expert Bijan Azami, to finally present the Mottainai Nº 1: a timeless pair of sunglasses created to last a lifetime.

It has been a long time coming, as we first mentioned the project here over a year ago, but it turned out a bit of a long-term effort to finally share the passion project which is the result of a relentless quest for (our) perfection. Nevertheless, the big moment is eventually here and we feel beyond proud to introduce to you what we have been working on together with Bijan for the last three years. Hopefully this will be the first of more materializations strongly rooted in the fundament that was slowly built since the inception of Another Something & Co, with everything that has been shared and created in the last 9 years being its field of reference. It is safe to say that this project approximates synthesis of the different fields we aim to be positioned in as close as possible.

Less but better: the Mottainai Nº 1 is one single frame, carved from the horn of the Indian water buffalo by gifted craftsman in the world’s best natural horn atelier in the West of Germany. Every frame individually given a unique hand-finished distressed vintage appearance, which will continue to show an evolving beauty over the years of use. [ Continue reading ]

Menno on Freunde von Freunden

We have been friends with Berlin-based everlasting source for inspiration Freunde von Freunden since its inception, so it was a great honor to be featured as one of their Workplaces visits in the Summer of 2014. Yesterday marked another great Freunde von Freunden moment for us, as we were very proud to see our close friend (and Tenue de Nîmes partner) Menno van Meurs as the latest addition in the series that focusses on the work environment. Shot by our friend Jordi Huisman and interviewed by CreativeMornings host Margot van der Krogt, Menno opened up both the doors of his home and the epicenter of the Tenue de Nîmes operation located in the far West of Amsterdam; sharing his passion for denim, vintage design and all those other things that get better over time, in other words: 'the good things in life'. Forming the firm fundament of Tenue, both as the shaping inspirations that have formed us and subsequently in the curation and creation of everything being released by and under the Tenue de Nîmes label. [ Continue reading ]

Another Gin & Tonic

After last night's incredible very first edition of the two weekly 5-course 'Forthnight Dinners' by our dear friends of The Village, which we will elaborate on in the near future, we decided tot end this weekend in style. What better day than this first real crispy winterday to take out the vintage casino glasses acquired at the extraordinary vintage market of Lisbon during a visit in 2013 and create our favorite mix around; Gin & Tonics out of one of the finest gins available; Amsterdam's own V2C. Spiced up with some gunpowder, in this case dried bay leaf, cardamom and some dried juniper berries. There is no better way to end this wonderful weekend. [ Continue reading ]

2015 — 2016

Another year has passed right before our very eyes. Although, as always, we tried to grasp it every once in a while, it feels like yesterday since the last new years eve. But here we are again after another remarkable, flown by, twelve months with some wonderful things to look back on (and to look forward to!). As per usual there was as little sitting still as possible with some great collaborations realized - among which the rebrand of Travelteq is particularly special - hard work on our own projects and of course trips (business ànd pleasure) all around the world. Both accompanied by bike or just with family and friends. Speaking of those; a wonderful highlight was Tenue's trip to San Francisco, but also the visit to beautiful Porto, Paris with ...,staat, Sweden to partake in the Dalslandrunt15, the exciting trip to Croatia for the upcoming revitalized Our Current Obsessions, and visiting our friends of GERTRUD & GEORGE in Geneva, amongst others. This year also marked some extraordinary steps forward for Tenue de Nîmes with the introduction of the first own designs, several great collaborations of which the Hancock VA coats are a true highlight and finally the presentation of Journal Nº 12. As always we will be back in the new year, with very soon an all new aesthetic and approach for Another Something. Stay tuned and until that moment, enjoy our favorite discoveries of last year. [ Continue reading ]

Tenue de Nîmes x Hancock VA

We are very proud to introduce another remarkable Tenue de Nîmes collaboration, this time having joined forces with none less then Hancock VA, presenting two perfect coats for a rainy winter, both presented under an iconic bespoke collaborative label. Hancock VA's Art.41 coat in black/taupe is an elegant single-breasted raincoat. Concealed placket, exposed top button, two front pocket welts and rear button down vent detail and a detachable quilted liner in khaki makes it perfect to keep you dry and warm during the colder months. The elasticated jersey trim featured in all new Quilted Articles of Hancock VA is a reference to Thomas Hancock's first ever patent in 1820 when he invented elastication in clothing, where the V-Quilt is also a Hancock signature that refers to ‘vulcanisation’. The second coat; Hancock's Art.49, which was created in night/ink is the modern trenchcoat redefined. It featuring a cross-over, concealed fastening for a clean aesthetic, leather buckle tension belt and traditional shaped, adjustable sleeve tabs. Another proud step forward in the Tenue de Nîmes universe. [ Continue reading ]

Journal de Nîmes Nº 12

Last week marked the proud release of  Tenue de Nîmes' 12th printed Journal de Nîmes, with the new issue centered around the theme ’New Vintage’. In the 92 pages we share the brands or products which we feel our kids will be collecting as the ’New Vintage' one day. Starting with fashion visionary Ralph Lauren who founded his beloved ‘Double RL’ brand 1993, after being the first rebel to sell vintage next to his ‘new’ clothing in New York City making him something of an icon for this particular issue. We take you to Mr. Lauren’s most personal archive, which he continues to use to spread his deep love for the rugged spirit of the American West in his full diversity. Furthermore Journal Nº 12 highlights some of the most inspiring brands that successfully used their inspiration of the past into a contemporary collection, which inspire us in everything we do ourselves. [ Continue reading ]


Some months ago we were asked by Utrecht-based studio Autobahn to participate in their '26 Creative Characters' project, which yesterday had its official debut in the newly opened Autobahn Gallery. The ambitious initiative celebrates the typographic diversity of todays graphic design, marking the 10th anniversary celebration of Maarten Dullemeijer and Rob Stolte's design studio. As part of 26 contemporary (typo)graphic designers - among which are Studio Airport, Baster, Jaap Biemans, Martin Pyper, Max Kisman and Thonik - we were invited to create our vision for the letter 'X'. The diverse outcome is a unique mix of styles, materials and ideas, with our design being directly inspired by and executed on a collection of 22 vintage wooden baseball bats, all individually numbered, carrying a little hand painted piece of the X. While creating the project we received numerous inquiries about the unique bats and therefore we decided to make them available for everyone in the newly revived Another Shop (with more coming in the near future!), where you can select your personal favorite numbered piece of the X. [ Continue reading ]

Functional Luxury for the 21st Century

Amsterdam-based luxury travel bag brand Travelteq is one of those brands we have had a very close relationship with for the last half decade, both online in our writings as in the real world. Following a string of shared projects - like visiting the Travelteq factory in 2011 - we are very proud to present the latest and largest collaboration in which we worked together to redefine the strategy, rebuild the brand and restyle the complete identity. In the new vision for Travelteq a direct-to-consumer model is introduced. Key in this new ecosystem is the cutting out of the middlemen, through which Travelteq is able to eliminate high markups - passing the savings to the customers, offering highest quality handcrafted Italian bags and accessories at a revolutionary price point. In line with this new direction an updated aesthetic for the communication of the brand Travelteq was created and introduced in all its different elements on the newly launched website. [ Continue reading ]

Tenue de Nîmes Pablo Memphis II

After we announced the arrival of the new Tenue de Nîmes jeans last June, today we are ready to share the ‘Pablo’ - created out of a Japanese fabric named 'Memphis Blue' - in all its indigo glory. To fulfill the high expectations, both internally as from the outside world, in the creation of the perfect Tenue de Nîmes denim, before the start of production the roots of sincere quality in denim were researched and found in Italy. Over the course of the past decades the European country has been the unquestionable authority in the production and development of the highest quality jeans and therefore it was decided that the 'Pablo' would be produced by a small factory in Italy, an hour away from Veneto, owned by an Italian family business. The new jeans serve the traditional denim aficionado to all its wishes, being a straight jean with a slightly more relaxed top-block and a slim but easy leg, resulting in a more classic ‘Americana’ model compared to the first jean produced by Tenue; the slimmer - sold out - 'Charles' which preceded the 'Pablo'. If you want to be part of Tenue de Nîmes history make sure to quickly order online or pick one of the 140 pairs up at the stores. Before its too late.. [ Continue reading ]

Utrecht’s Finest

With the official team presentations, which will take place this evening, the Tour de France fever in our hometown Utrecht is slowly reaching a highpoint (with the tropical temperatures of recent days also playing a significant role in this development). Although the little brother of Amsterdam has gained significantly growing international attention in recent years, because of its beautiful canals and historical city center with a more laidback and less touristic atmosphere - for many people the host of the Grand Départ is still unknown territory. As we have been happily living in Utrecht for quite some years now, we teamed up with Rapha to introduce our city properly and created a little map with all of our favorite destinations when it comes to Food & Drinks, Art & Culture, Antiques & Obsessions, Fashion & Design, Markets & Flowers and Hideouts & Escapes, which we named Utrecht's Finest. For those first getting to know Utrecht, or those who are curious what it is what makes the city special for us. [ Continue reading ]

Tenue de Nîmes Pablo Memphis II Jeans

While researching for Tenue de Nîmes' very own jeans line, one of the most significant conclusions which were drawn from looking back in time was the fact that after more than half a century of denim being an oftenly used fabric in fashion, it has returned to its roots: to serve as work wear. When looking at how people dress themselves, we see denim as work wear for people in advertising, in marketing or for people teaching history at the University of Amsterdam. But also people in finance or lawyers show us that ‘Casual Fridays’ are behind us as the only day for denim, and therefore we were inspired to create a new, smarter denim option to dress for work. To serve just the results of what we found in the research: giving people an elegant and modern garment to wear at work. To read more about our search for the best denim in the world, check out our article on Tenue de Nîmes Jeans in Journal de Nîmes Nº11. [ Continue reading ]

Tricker’s x Tenue de Nîmes

We are only in the second month of the new year and there is already an important new Tenue de Nîmes collaboration to be celebrated in 2015. It all started last October, when the legendary Tricker's shoe store in London at 67 Jeremy Street was visited for the very first time, to start the process of the creation of a series of Tricker's x Tenue de Nîmes shoes. Barely four months later, a first collection is ready, consisting of three genuine Tricker's classic pieces inspired by the rich history of the English shoe brand that was established in 1829. The classic models were given an elegant translation fitting in the Tenue universe, resulting in a collection to be proud of, created for everyone who's enjoying the good things in life. [ Continue reading ]