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Clayton Chambers

On Sprezza's content-activation flywheel

At the end of last year, we sat down with our friend Clayton Chambers to talk about the rise of his inspirational menswear platform, Sprezza, and to hear his perspectives on the state of online content and media. We first connected with Clayton in early 2023, right after he had landed in Amsterdam, where he was planning to stay for a few months. We had discovered his inspiring newsletter sometime the year before. Sprezza had launched as a side project during the pandemic, delivering weekly dispatches of Clayton's (micro-)trend-focused observations, outspoken opinions on style, and his personal tastes in contemporary menswear. In many ways, it reminded us of the blogosphere, translated into today’s digital landscape. A few months after our initial meeting, we collaborated on a dinner activation for Atelier Munro during Pitti 104. Soon after, Clayton’s time in Amsterdam ended, but in the second half of that year, Sprezza really started to take off. [ Continue reading ]

Nothing White

A year ago Pim de Graaff, an Amsterdam-based freelance copywriter, launched Nothing, a 2.6 x 2.6 x 5.1 inch piece FSC of certified wood with a matte black finish, each handmade and with a unique number, that intends to remind people to enjoy everything they already have, which from quite some perspectives can be seen as everything. The product went viral with posts on blogs like PSFK, Fast Company and swissmiss, which helped Pim to sell hundreds of Nothings this year. His wish was to sell a Nothing to every continent, in which he almost succeeded, with the exception of Africa. To finish the project in style, this Christmas Pim launches his final ten pieces of Nothing in a limited all-white edition, with the revenues of the final batch, no. 351-360 to go to Oxfam which fights poverty worldwide. [ Continue reading ]


From the idea that some of us have everything, Pim de Graaff, an Amsterdam-based freelance copywriter created Nothing. His Nothing is a piece of wood with a matte black finish that intends to remind people to enjoy everything they already have, which from quite some perspectives can be seen as everything. The idea of Nothing emerged from Pim’s observation of people around him that have everything they need, including himself. Pim: “Year after year we don't know what to ask for a birthday gift and many of us are searching for the thrill of tomorrow or the meaning of life.“ [ Continue reading ]

Remarkable people

When two amazing people get together, their potential impact grows and the world changes shape. A great initiative to connect remarkable individuals to seed inspiring and unexpected introductions. ‘By/Association is for people who want to make their lives, ideas, and networks richer by meeting other remarkable people. It’s… [ Continue reading ]