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2022 – 2023

In 22 pictures

When looking back at 2022, it is safe to say that reading David W. Marx’s excellent 'Status and Culture’ was among the most cathartic experiences. Marx’s elaborate observations on how culture moves through society is both enlightening and confronting. Reading his immaculately formed thoughts about the world we live in, granted us new perspectives on our own behaviour. Both as a consumer and an active participant and observer of culture as as whole. It has a been a rather strange year of (post-)pandemic life, the third half following those two earlier exceptionally strange years. Marx’s book offered some fundamental clarity about the times we live in. And what we strive for in the coming year(s) of the Another Something macrocosm. [ Continue reading ]

Another 2021 Playlist

Music is always a big part of our life. And we’re always looking for the new, also in music. So, over the past years we’ve made playlists of our favourite releases. Sometimes shared it here, sometimes only in an occasional newsletter. But always a strange mix between classic and electronic, latin and alternative, pop and jazz. This years highlights were Madlib, C. Tangana, L’Rain, and definitely the grand finale with Maya Beiser playing Philip Glass. Enjoy it on Apple Music, or over at Spotify. And the archive only on Apple Music here: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016) [ Continue reading ]

Huck Magazine

Curated by Flying Lotus

As we’re slowly putting renewed energy back into Another Something, trying to reframe what ‘blogging’ and ‘curating’ means in 2019, it feels just right to start off with things that are close to our heart. Huck Magazine is definitely one of them. For their latest issue  they asked Flying Lotus as guest curator.  [ Continue reading ]

Music in 2013: Yorke & Jaar

Looking back at the music that was released this year, two of our all time favorites: Thom Yorke and Nicolas Jaar, both treated us and the world splendidly. They both released an extraordinary album this year, in which they both show new depths in the music they create, sound wise and in musical partnerships; proving evermore that they are some of the very best artists making music now a days. Next to the albums the artists also released music videos, additional mixes and live recordings of the highest quality, which made them the undisputed rulers of our sound system this year. [ Continue reading ]

Cleartones Pure

Say hello to the completely updated website and a new set of Cleartones by our good friend Hugo Verweij - with a newly illustrated world by yours truly Another Company.
The new set, the Cleartones Pure, is based on the 'sine wave'. The sine wave is the only sound in the world which can be called a pure tone. In fact it is the only sound consisting of a single frequency, without overtones.  This seems a good starting point for a set of minimalist ringtones, but a single sine wave by itself doesn't sound very compelling. Hugo carefully sculpted it using techniques like frequency modulation and subtle effects can definitely bring it to life. [ Continue reading ]

Another Winter Playlist

We've put another little mix tape together with our favourites of this winter. A Spotify playlist capturing the mood of the season, a mix somewhere between Amsterdam, Toronto, Bangkok and New York. It starts with the warm classic sounds of Yo-Yo Ma's cello suites of Bach, moving to Nicolas Jaar, Atoms for Peace, Halls, Unkle, Calico Horse (a.o.) to end with the serene sounds of Ricardo Donoso, Reflection & Rotation. See the full track list after the click, and enjoy it on Spotify > [ Continue reading ]


Our good friend and inspirator Nalden’s Present Plus together with Amsterdam’s creative agency Momkai launched this nice little device called Lowdi. A portable, wireless speaker with the length of your average pencil, that connects to any device equipped with Bluetooth, allowing you to bring… [ Continue reading ]

Cleartones Organic

Last year I was fortunate enough to play a little role in the birth of Cleartones - the elegant, hand made minimalist ringtones and notification tones - by my good friend Hugo Verweij. Today he released the next level: 'Cleartones Organic'. A set of wonderful ringtones and notifications, all recorded on acoustic instruments like metal bells, glass bowls, marimba and vibraphone. I can't say the first set of 'Classic Cleartones' aren't good, but these are just so much better! [ Continue reading ]

The Snorks

Today NOWNESS shared this super inspiring preview of Loris Gréaud's upcoming project: The Snorks, a concert for creatures. "The initial inspiration for the project lies in the idea that creatures would be living on our planet, their aesthetical and behavioural features matching an alien fantasy in every aspect, thereby awaking the desire of communicating with those "creatures". What if they live within our oceans, major component of our eco-system, could we get in touch with them?... Here begins an artistic journey and production that will last 36 months. An unusual temporality that can be understood through the following paradox: we have the ability to go on the Moon, to date the presence of water on Mars, yet we barely know anything about what composes the tremendous majority of the Earth... [ Continue reading ]

After Summer mix tape

Wistfully remembering the summer, it’s time for a new playlist with all that we have heard and liked over the past months. With some great releases and newly discovered music it is our perfect mix tape that reflects the seasonal mood. Starting with the new album of Grizzly Bear – Shields,… [ Continue reading ]


In our mix tapes, the seasonal collections of music we create on Spotify, we always try to integrate all the new music we like. The best tracks over the past months, which all reflects the mood of the season. This one isn’t different. 17 tracks going… [ Continue reading ]

Qompendium x Cleartones

I love it when two geniuses meet and collaborate! Both good friends, Hugo Verweij and Kimberly Lloyd, collaborated to create a special Qompendium x Cleartones ringtones pack. One is the letter “Q” in melodic Morse code. The other consists of a clear sound to grab the… [ Continue reading ]

Another Spring Playlist

I’ve made another playlist for this spring and early summer. A collection with all my favorite tracks over the past months. A playlist for early morning rides on your bike, lost hours in a plane before hitting in a new and unknown city, or just to enjoy on one of… [ Continue reading ]


Enjoy the start of this week with this beautiful sound from UK producer Congi, accompanied by the amazing clip by Paulo R (original film by Hee-Seong Han and Simon Iannelli) featuring the Italian dancer Valentina Tonelli. Thank you 22tracks for sharing! (Unfortunately the video was… [ Continue reading ]

Another x Freunde von Freunden

Freunde von Freunden, the Berlin based interview magazine portraying people of diverse creative and cultural backgrounds in their homes or within their daily working environments, asked me to create a mix tape for them. It became a collection of tracks with it’s roots in the winter,… [ Continue reading ]


And the perfect monday morning tunes comes from Jack Vanzet, a friend of Oliver Tank, who just released his new EP called Voyages under the name of Thrupence. Some lovely tunes from down under! Enjoy some more on Bandcamp or Soundcloud. [ Continue reading ]

Jaar & Woodfin

I always like to combine things from different worlds. It creates some kind of strange energy, weird connections and unique insights, just as John Jay said about the ‘unusual cultures where you don’t belong’… Here’s one of these things that don’t belong together, but I’d love to see them together!… [ Continue reading ]


One of my favorite photographers Pablo Delfos collaborated with Niek Pulles and made this amazing video for the first solo album of Pete Philly, called ‘One’. No more words, just watch!… [ Continue reading ]

Oliver Tank

Last week Sophie from Travelteq pointed us to the Australian rising star Oliver Tank. A 21 year old boy from Sydney with a remarkable fresh sound. You hear the influence of James Blake, but it is different, more layered and with some beautiful fragile tunes. A lovely and… [ Continue reading ]

Demo Magazine

Demo, the free independent music magazine that uncovers the most exciting and interesting emerging talent Australia has to offer, just released their 4th issue. Created in 2006 by award winning creative agency Moffitt.Moffitt. – Demo has gone on to fill the void between… [ Continue reading ]

Another After-summer Playlist

After some mad weeks with a lot of travels, beautiful projects and crazy deadlines life is sort of back to normal again. Time for a retrospect of what came along during the past months, in music that is. We’ve made this little spotify playlist with our after-summer favorite tunes. [ Continue reading ]

The Revival Tour Amsterdam

Initiated by Chuck Regan, the American singer-songwriter and former head of Hot Water Music, The Revival Tour will come to Amsterdam this October.The concert in Amsterdam is completely sold out, but we got some tickets for you to win. Together with… [ Continue reading ]

Grace Perry in Scion Magazine

Last week I was invited to LA to drive the new Scion iQ, a compact and super innovative car that will fit in an average pickup trunk. The car, also known as the Toyota iQ in Europe and Asia, will be released with a huge creative campaign, covering the music-, art-, photography- and fashion-scene with exhibitions, concerts, festivals and the launch of a magazine.
Since we’re not the car blog where we will feature all the tech specs but only want to share everything esthetic in lifestyles across the globe, we decided to do a pre-publication of the magazine which will be released September the 17th in the US. A piece of sic-fi where dogs get jetpacks and books have infinite blank pages to fill with lead pencils that would never go dull. Enjoy a story where metal meets sci-fi and fantasy. [ Continue reading ]