Grace Perry in Scion Magazine

Last week I was invited to LA to drive the new Scion iQ, a compact and super innovative car that will fit in an average pickup trunk. The car, also known as the Toyota iQ in Europe and Asia, will be released with a huge creative campaign, covering the music-, art-, photography- and fashion-scene with exhibitions, concerts, festivals and the launch of a magazine.
Since we’re not the car blog where we will feature all the tech specs but only want to share everything esthetic in lifestyles across the globe, we decided to do a pre-publication of the magazine which will be released September the 17th in the US. A piece of sic-fi where dogs get jetpacks and books have infinite blank pages to fill with lead pencils that would never go dull. Enjoy a story where metal meets sci-fi and fantasy.

..a black leather-bound journal with infinite blank pages

Pre-publication: Grace Perry in Scion Magazine

Grace Perry, of Phoenix, Arizona metal band Landmine Marathon, decimates listeners with her incredible roar. Perry is a science fiction fan and incorporated elements of this world when creating her ideal space and envisioning what her life would be like within it.

In a space limited to just 10 x 10 x 10 feet, the walls would need to be transparent for me, but mirrors to the outside world. I would use a futuristic projector to offer an ample amount of possibilities for my artificial surroundings. The walls would have to be made of a material that could absorb and repel gravity at my convenience, allowing for space travel. I would be equipped to combat even the most treacherous intergalactic obstacles.

The contents of the room would be minimal but critical. First, I would want a companion of some kind. Right now the only living creature inside my house, excluding myself, is my tortoise, Kitty. He unfortunately does not provide much entertainment, and to be stuck in such a small room with another person might lead to either murder or suicide. So my companion would be a dog, my childhood three-legged chihuahua named Samson, but with a bionic leg and a jet pack.

Also, there would be a library of sci-fi/fantasy novels and a black leather-bound journal with infinite blank pages, along with a lead pencil that would never go dull. The floor would be grass and the light inside the room would not have a direct source. Finally, there would be no visual door of any kind, only a portal that opens periodically every few hours, leading to an unknown destination.

From the 17th of September you can check out Grace Perry’s science fiction reading list in the interactive version of this issue at

Via landminemarathon

Illustrations by Horsebites