The start of Everything
A new chapter

Everything starts with an idea. In our case sometimes thought over too long (Chris) and sometimes done with impetus (Joachim). But when we meet in the middle, we are just about moving at the right speed for both of our liking, all of the time. We knew that for a while now, so this comes as a no brainer – for us at least. As mentioned early this year, some major changes were upon us, and here we are. We are “officially” launching our creative brand consultancy Another Everything.
Another Everything is our (Joachim Baan and Christoph van Veghel) creative brand consultancy practice moving forward. We create outstanding brands and special creative projects through cultural strategy, brand design and creative execution. We specialise in three areas that together form our holistic approach to brand direction.
We define — A singular cultural strategy that forms the foundation for all brand design and creative curation and execution. We believe that every creative decision should lead back to this strategy, while also forming the potential starting point for a widespread creative transition and a guideline to optimize business development and strategy.
We create — Distinctive design for spatial, product and communication all the way to the smallest of details in your brand. We believe that every interaction with your audience matters.
We curate and oversee — Creative execution that tells your story in an elevated and layered way, partly through finding the right cultural associations and collaboration partners to result in both immediate impact and ensuring long-term cultural currency.
With the establishment of the digitale age, consumers hardly make decisions in isolation of their social media, ubiquitous content, advertising, their experience of or believes about other products and their actual and imagined social environment at large. Their aspirations, perceptions, value calculus and how desirable they think something is, is a matter of zeitgeist more than a personal choice. (More reading: Ana Andjelic)
We believe that in today’s landscape, connecting with “consumers” through culture is a matter of brand strategy and distinct creative design. Because of our digital ecosystem that runs on traction in stead of a centralised status quo, brands will perpetually remain in the state of a work in progress. With a clearly defined strategy, every new decision that you make, will make you stand out and enhance the story you are progressively reassuring to your audiences and consumers.
To create outstanding brands or special creative projects, we work from a holistic approach. Combining a singular cultural strategy, distinctive design and a deliberately curated creative execution. Resulting in a sustaining direction for a brand, firmly rooted in the actual business of the present, while also introducing a field of new brand associations that will immediately help you bring a stronger message across to the right audiences. New and existing. Using the potential of brand strategy and direction to construct a creative transition. Whether that’s out of necessity or opportunity, the impact will be felt and seen in everything.
Expect nothing but the best in everything that we do in the years to come!
And meanwhile, enjoy some of the work we did over the past decade here >