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Isn’t this just a wonderful picture?! A gun, firing a projectile in high speed, taken by Gjon Mili (1923 – 1984). Gjon Mili was a pioneer in the use of photoflash to capture a sequence of actions in one photograph together with Harold Eugene… [ Continue reading ]
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I love this picture by Sparrow Salvage. …“a rather substantial collection of random little interesting things…”… [ Continue reading ]
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These works by French duo Aurélien Arbet and Jérémie Egry made me think of this new dutch brand who recently won the Green Fashion Award during the Amsterdam International Fashion Week, last week. Oat Shoes made these biodegradable sneakers that will grow flowers and… [ Continue reading ]
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Now and then Yamandu pops up for a short break on his project ‘Europeans’ to update us, and share some new amazing images. For this project he crosses Europe to capturing culture, sports and nature; collecting stories, notes, characters, motives and landscapes that are… [ Continue reading ]
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I love the work of Danish-American photographer Peter Sekaer (1901 – 1950). Resently Steidl published his first monograph called Signs of Life by Peter Sekaer. ‘Sekaer’s early work combines dispassionate images with others that show his concern and intuitive grasp of the human condition. [ Continue reading ]
Red Wing Shoes released a video preview today on their photo-exhibition ‘From the Heartland’ by Tim Adler and Wytse Hylkema. A beautiful photographic documentary featuring Red Wing Shoe Company’s craftsmen and women. `From the Heartland’ will be exhibited during Berlin Bread & Butter and Copenhagen… [ Continue reading ]
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Love the book and love the flickr set: Rolling Homes: Handmade Houses on Wheels by Jane Lidz, published in 1979 by A & W publishers Inc. Now lets try to get my hands on one of those rare hardcover first prints…… [ Continue reading ]
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Underscore Magazine released their second issue, The Constant Issue, at the end of last year. Contributions by Christopher Colville, You Li, Nicholas Gottlund (a.o.) made it a fantastic second issue. Get your hands on it and don’t forget… [ Continue reading ]
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A new issue of Nomenus Quarterly just went online. Definitely my favorite in this issue is the series pictures by Lovisa Ringborg. ” The journey into the unconscious is an art that few artists master without falling into exhibitionism or over-determined symbolism. Lovisa Ringborg… [ Continue reading ]
Last month, Iwan visited Japan to photograph the Teshima Art Museum by Ruye Nishizawa and Rei Naito. An absolutely wonderful, strange and fascinating building, popping up on one of the 3000 islands of Japan.
Just published by Domus, they tell a little more about it: "...The Teshima Art Museum is almost completely empty, devoid of contents. Its interior is fluid, a concrete membrane carpeting the ground and wrapping up from shadowy edges to span as a low unobstructed dome overhead. Neither columns nor beams interrupt the organic singularity of the total volume. Similarly there is none of the clutter normally associated with museums…
…Nishizawa's building evokes a faith in the ability of architecture to make the world seem somewhat strange yet simultaneously a little bit better." (Domus 942, December 2010, text by Raymund Ryan) [ Continue reading ]
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French Art Director and Set Designer Lenacker Romain updated his website with 5 new projects. Beautiful creations with a suberb use of color and paper sculptures. Above ‘Hors-Champ’ for Pilot Magazine by Alexis Raimbault and Yann/Pixus, and below ‘Blow up’ for 125… [ Continue reading ]
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Thomas Tukker crossed Amsterdam with a huge old polaroid camera, to shoot a series of pictures for our 6th issue of Journal de Nîmes. The images are nailed on the wall of Tenue de Nîmes in Amsterdam and definitely worth a check… [ Continue reading ]
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An older project by The Explorers Club than the Levi’s movie they did 2 months ago, but definitely as good as that one! Polaroid Vitae Vol. II is a series of 28 black and white polaroids ‘serving as index of an individual,… [ Continue reading ]
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Make History, the photo project initiated by Lee, is slowly growing into a monumental collection of images, each one telling a story from its own unique and powerful point of view. The jury of the second edition selected 100 finalists out of the 10.000… [ Continue reading ]
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Todd Selby shared his complete book, The Selby is in Your Place, online at Issuu, until friday next friday. Check it out, and buy the book (which will last longer than next friday ;-))… [ Continue reading ]
Dutch artist Anouk Griffioen and photographer Annemarieke van Drimmelen worked together on a project called Sophie. Transparent and fragile images, collages in black and white, an exploration between the parallels of photography and illustration resulted in Sophie, a beautiful series of portraits. The images will be exhibited in Magazijn 153 (Oudezijds Voorburgwal 153, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) the 27th and 28th of November. Together with the exhibition a special cassette with signed prints will be available in a limited edition of 50. More images after the click > [ Continue reading ]
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Lova teamed up with photographer Nabil Elderkin and model Jonas Mason for their AW 2010 campaign. ‘Inspired by Beirut, pre the 1975 civil war, when Lebanon was celebrating social and financial prosperity; the collection represents functionality, affluence and durability.’ The collection includes… [ Continue reading ]
This nice blog was created in dedication to the Vivian Maier (1 February 1926 - 21 April 2009). Vivian, a french-born street photographer from the 1950s - 1990s, who came to the US in childhood, worked for several years as a nanny in Chicago. Her photographs remained unknown until after her death and was discovered by John Maloof, a Chicago estate agent, at an auction in 2007. The work includes 100 000 mostly medium format negatives and lots of undeveloped rolls of film. [ Continue reading ]
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Dutch born and New York based photographer Martien Mulder will open her new solo exhibition at Kahmann Gallery in Amsterdam today. The exhibition is called “From Blue To Blue” and includes highlights of 10 years of personal work. ‘Martien Mulder’s photographs reflect her travels,… [ Continue reading ]
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I love people sending me stuff they love. Fred is one of them. Sometimes theres a mail in my inbox with just some pictures, no words, just pictures… They’re from Fred Bschaden, German agent for Red Wing Shoes (a.o.). This time with some proper… [ Continue reading ]
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Todd Selby goes one step further in photographing places on a commercial base. He just shot a beautiful series of picture for the Cole Haan fall 2010 ad campaign in Portland and Brooklyn. Again, lovely shots from inspiring people and places. [ Continue reading ]
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My brother shot this new and noteworthy project by Sou Fujimoto Architects. Say hello to the an almost Escher look a like collective housing project Tokyo Apartments where the seemingly random placement of the units makes you feel “you have your own house in… [ Continue reading ]
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Every day, for the next 100 days, Vivienne Westwood and Lee Jeans will publish one image of active resistance online. Active Resistance is a project of positive thoughts, active changes, speaking up and being heard. And you can be part of thatli. The images… [ Continue reading ]