Slow → articles tagged with design

Indie Furniture

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A great project by Swiss based designer Nicola Enrico Stäubli is now featuring in the Design Museum London: Indie Furniture, a DIY concept to create ‘a unique piece of furniture with the help of an online planning aid that also… [ Continue reading ]

Ikebana Medulla

‘IkebanaMedulla’ by Benjamin Graindorge is the result of shi six-months residence at the villa Kujoyama where he transformed his line sketches into a real vase.

"When I began designing the IkebanaMedulla vases two things were foremost in my mind. The first was practical – design a vase that would be inhabited even when there were no flowers in it. The second was to think out a project whose form would bring together complete calm with a wild – almost animal – tension. I’m exploring the idea of natural savagery, and the IkebanaMedulla vases are my first attempt at a resolution." — Benjamin Graindorge [ Continue reading ]

Designing Design

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Dutch online design magazine Fontanel published an extensive, custom designed article on Kenya Hara’s book Designing Design. Japanese graphic designer Kenya Hara wrote a personal introduction addressed to Fontanel’s readers; […] I wrote this book out of a desire to communicate my… [ Continue reading ]

The Balvenie

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Designed by Here Design this lovely hand-crafted leather case was made for The Balvenie Ambassador to present the Balvenie story from barley to bottle. It contains a miniature copper still, cask samples, miniature barrels and tasting bottles in bespoke boxes all beautifully… [ Continue reading ]


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Jill Singer and Monica Khemsurov, former editors at the design magazine I.D. started the online publication Sight Unseen focusing on people and creativity. They’ve already shared some very interesting views behind-the-scenes at design studios and factories as well as some nice book reviews… [ Continue reading ]


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Studio Juju made these beautiful cases to store your jewellery, to enrich the experience of choosing, matching and wearing the right accessories, almost as a ritual…… [ Continue reading ]


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Is it a shop? No – It is a beautiful walk-in closet with walls of glass, made by Spazzi, the master cabinet maker from Spain. (via Trendir)… [ Continue reading ]

Daniel Heer


Daniel Heer, a young swiss designer now living and working in Berlin shared his work with us. Besides his fine horsehair mattresses called ROSSHAAR and lovely seating cubes called KEIL (made from walnut wood and leather a.o.) he creates this fantastic collection of bags called CHROM. Functional aesthetics and high-quality materials all come together in these minimalistic leather bags. [ Continue reading ]


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A little update from our favorite shop in Berlin. Andreas Murkudis organized a little Weihnachtsmarkt combined with the presentation of these beautiful Windmühlen knifes on 12 december from 12 til 19h at the Münzstrasse 21. [ Continue reading ]

Playing cards

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The people behind Project No 8 mailed me with this nice deck of playing cards. A series of cards designed by Tauba Auerbach, created in two iterations, Shapes and Functions. Each deck is produced in a hand numbered edition of 250. They’re available online at Moss… [ Continue reading ]


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A lazy sunday afternoon, browsing thru my found and emailed links of the past week came, I across this one. I’m so much enjoying almost everything in the Japanese online shop Kirpputori (the Finnish word for flea market ). Beautiful felt animals, birch wood boxes and envelopes and… [ Continue reading ]

Acne Paper

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The ninth issue of Acne Paper addresses the dual themes of Art and Spirituality, and explores the relationship between these two inextricably linked areas of study. The cover story sees a unique collaboration between Tilda Swinton and Paolo Roversi. Other collaborators include David Lynch, Marina Abramovic and Maureen Paley,… [ Continue reading ]


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Studio Jo Meesters creates concepts and products based on the keywords of matter and traditional craftsmanship. The ongoing search for innovation in materials and techniques is the major drive of the design studio, which is considered a laboratory for product concepts. A laboratory focused on the research of… [ Continue reading ]


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Lately we’ve been busy creating a ‘news paper’ for Joolz. As Anothersomething we participated in the paper by selecting some beautiful toys, books and kids’ stuff in the Jewels page. Clockwise: A beautiful shinning Egg Bank by J Schatz, a swiss Deer by Big… [ Continue reading ]

Hotdog rocker

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I very much love this rocking hot dog by Jaime Hayon and Nienke Klunder who are now showing their collaborative work at Spring Projects in London (until october 22nd). The beautiful mix of materials like fiberglass, aluminium, leather, maple wood and chromed metal made… [ Continue reading ]


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A lovely birdhouse for your pied-à-terre. ‘This Birdhouse links the balcony to its green surroundings, the inhabi- tants of apartments to the birds outside. Lacking a garden in her LEGO like apartment building, Emilie Cazin created this Birdhouse in order to attract birds to her balcony and thus stand out… [ Continue reading ]

Central Office & Co.

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Beautiful work on the quite abstract and minimalistic website of Central Office & Co., the studio of Max Erdenberger. [ Continue reading ]


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Kimberly Lloyd just emailed us to say they released the first Qompendium Print Publication. Qompendium is an evolving and ever-changing platform for philosophy, art, culture and science, represented by a series of print publications: magazines, books and monographs. Furthermore, it is enriched by a real gallery… [ Continue reading ]


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T. M. Schmid from Strala updated us with some older work while working on new designs. We specially like this minimalistic wall light called Pompidu. In his own words: ‘Pipes cover the electric cabling of ‘pompidu’, at the same time giving it a firm shape. It is the… [ Continue reading ]


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A fantastic collection of carefully selected goods, colours and shapes, arranged by Faye Toogood and studio. ‘Studio Toogood designs, directs and executes interiors and environments from concept through to creation… Formerly the Senior Stylist of the World of Interiors magazine, Faye Toogood now contributes regularly to Wallpaper, Elle… [ Continue reading ]


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I’m a fan of the wooden toys by Brooklyn-based designer David Weeks for Areaware. This time he collaborated with Kidrobot to create a wooden version of the Dunny toy. This limited edition beauty (only five were fashioned) is hand-hewn and sanded from zebra-striped hard… [ Continue reading ]


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I like desks, especially when they are designed by a Japanese designer and produced in Switzerland since they have a certain feeling for order and cleanness, but always with a high functionality. Designed by Tomoko Azumi for Röthlisberger, this AT-AT desk offers space for your macbook,… [ Continue reading ]


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Tamawa is a radical style exercise that uses bakelite spheres as a mono material. It is a design story that takes up there where the seminal ‘Hang it all’ by Charles & Ray Eames lifted off in the 50s: coloured balls (the official snooker colour line-up) varying from… [ Continue reading ]

Bison Kintsugi

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Now you can bring your broken china to Platform21 to repair it with the new repair technique Bison Kintsugi by designer Lotte Dekker. ‘Lotte Dekker developed a new view of gluing porcelain based on kintsugi, an old Japanese technique in which porcelain is repaired with gold… [ Continue reading ]