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Martell & Pinel Pinel

The House of Martell asked Frédéric Pinel to design a creation that would enable connoisseurs and lovers of Martell cognac to rediscover the pleasures of tasting. The result is this amazing trunk by Pinel Pinel, filled with all the best cognac’s of Martell. From the legendary Cordon Bleu,… [ Continue reading ]

Glass blowing

Love this video by showing the innovative glass blowing technique developed by Omer Arbel for Bocci to make the 28 chandelier. It showcases an unconventional glass craft approach which involves reversing the direction of airflow (out of the glass matrix instead of into… [ Continue reading ]

Species. A Tribute

Last week the Amsterdam based textile designer Nanna van Blaaderen opened an exhibition at Droog. Amazing textile designs, wonderful sculptural knits, as gentle to the skin as they are to the environment she develops textiles that integrate comfort, elegance, quality and sustainability. Be sure… [ Continue reading ]


We received a super kind email from Jamie Iacoli, partner at the Seattle based design agency Iacoli & McAllister, sharing her love for Another Something & Co this morning. At the end of the mail she briefly dropped this super nice paper weight they’ve made. A simple graphic… [ Continue reading ]

Aurelia Eichhornia

Last week during the Furniture Fair in Milan, Studio Jo Meesters presented it’s new project entitled Aurelia Eichhornia. Beautiful lamps, inspired by waterplants and jelly fish, made from found fermentation bottles as a basis, knitted together using an advance automatic knitting machine combining cotton and luminous filament yarns,… [ Continue reading ]

A Boat

We always love the work of the Swiss design company Big-Game. For the Milan Furniture Fair they released a few new projects including these nice and simple  floating boats in cork and plastic. Made for Portugese company Materia they will be launched in Milan next week at the… [ Continue reading ]

Assiettes animales

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Nº32. Assiettes animales: Porcelain mixed with animal bone plates by Foekje Fleur >… [ Continue reading ]

Glass Hill

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Nº 21. The Glass Hill ICA Bench >… [ Continue reading ]

The Paper Engineer

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I found Benja Harney, a self-taught Paper Engineer living and working in Sydney, Australia, because he started following me on Twitter. For over the past 6 years he worked as a ‘Paper Engineer’ for clients form all over the world, making incredibly beautiful pop-up books and… [ Continue reading ]

Animal Boxes

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Nº 04. The Whale and Lhama Animal Boxes, designed by Karl Zahn. Available at Areaware. [ Continue reading ]

Olivier Abry

Frenchman Olivier Abry started a workshop to assemble, create and restore vintage furniture and objects. He gave us a peak in his studio, packed with beautiful handmade lamps. Some of the materials are coming from the US and are assembled, recreated into new 'one off' vintage pieces in his workshop in Lyon. Be sure you'll visit his site and his inspirational image blog. Continue for more images > [ Continue reading ]

The Crate Series

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Tomorrow Studio Makkink & Bey will open a new show at Spring Projects, London with The Crate Series. ‘The crate furniture first appeared after a trip to India, where Rianne Makkink noticed how people used crates as makeshift houses, mobile shops and workspaces.’… [ Continue reading ]

Hugo the Wild Boar

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Ursa the Bear was sold out completely at Another Shop, and I was planning to get some new stock when this came by. A collaboration between two of my favorite brands, Areaware and Monocle, designed by David Weeks Studio (the designer of Ursa… [ Continue reading ]


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I love Areaware, the well curated shop full of beautiful treasures. They just added this nice ‘toy’ by New York based designer Harry Allen. ‘The beauty of any pickup truck is its utilitarian aesthetic – four strong wheels and the capacity to haul cargo. Cast… [ Continue reading ]


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Again some beautiful work by Studio Kiki van Eijk presented this Maison et Objet in Paris. Bijoux is a glass & ceramics collection for gallery Secondome Edizione in Rome, all hand-made by some of the best craftsmen in Italy. The ‘delicate and tactile forms… [ Continue reading ]


Last week Areaware, the New York manufacturer of Ursa the Bear (a.o.), released their new catalog. They invited me to write a little piece for their Object Stories – ‘about the ways we become attached to the things we live with, how we develop emotional connection… [ Continue reading ]


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Bird, designed by Kristian Vedel in 1959, is making its comeback. The three birds, the child, the parents and the grandparents, are now available again via ArchitectMade. They are still hand made, in a traditional woodturner workshop in Denmark, piece by piece, in three… [ Continue reading ]


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Upon a Fold did a post on a beautiful gift shop and tearoom in Tokyo called ori HIGASHIYA. The shop is specialized in the traditional art of Japanese confectionery known as Wagashi. The shop with the beautiful paper folded wall is designed by… [ Continue reading ]


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I already considered the Laser sailboat as one of my favorite, but after Marian Bantjes did a collaboration with LaserPerformance I really want one. Wallpaper invited both companies to collaborate and this cubist pattern naval camouflage sailboat, inspired by the First- and… [ Continue reading ]

Graduation 1

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It is the time of the graduation shows and it looks like there is coming some great stuff from all over the netherlands. Here’s a little announcement for the product/design show of Artez which will run from the 1st till the 4th of July at Kema, Arnhem. [ Continue reading ]

Plain Air

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The plume of air-borne ash that recently grounded even the jet set for days in Northern Europe reminded us all that air space is our common heritage, precious and fragile… This beautiful tool was definitely not the solution for this problem, but it is a nice one to… [ Continue reading ]


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Frank Buchwald created a limited amount of highly unusual ‘Machine Lights’ made from brass and steel. These sinister objects are hand made based on visible components with an astonishing symmetry. Find out more at LH. [ Continue reading ]

The Poor Man’s Gold

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Started today, the Zuiderzee Museum is presenting two new projects at the Salone del Mobile in Milan by Kiki van Eijk and Joost van Bleiswijk. Shown above ‘The Poor Man’s Gold’ by Joost van Bleiswijk, was inspired on the voyages… [ Continue reading ]