Rapha Cycle Club Amsterdam

While putting the last hand on the design of the Mobile Cycle Club Europe we are doing for Rapha, they opened a new chapter of their famous Cycle Clubs, this time in our hometown Amsterdam. In the beautiful historical center of Amsterdam, on the 9 streets and around the corner of our new gallery/studio space of Our Current Obsessions (soon more on that…), Tenue de Nîmes and the Red Wing Shoes Store the Rapha Cycle Club Amsterdam welcomes road cyclists from every continent. Tales of glory, pain or suffering transcends their memory in this historical neighborhood.  Although a little challenging when tourist are flocking around, this will be the perfect place to start a ride, escaping the city for the windy northern water lands, making your round on the ‘Ronde Hoep’, or a longer ride towards Utrecht and the Amerongse Berg (Mountain of Amerongen with its 69,2 meter high, yes we have that).

Rapha Cycle Clubs have been created as an inspiring meeting place for road riders around the world. Located in key cycling cities, inside you’ll find a retail space stocked with the latest Rapha products, limited edition Cycle Club items, and a café serving the finest coffee and food. The clubs also screen live racing and host exclusive exhibitions and events. The perfect home for the sport and culture of road racing, Rapha Cycle Clubs offer the ultimate Rapha experience.

Welcome Rapha, we’re looking forward to ride with the RCC Amsterdam and enjoy good coffee and stories at the Cycle Club.

Let’s hit the road!

Photography by Imagehunters.

More information on the Mobile Cycle Club see here.

For more information on RCC Amsterdam see here.