People Blocks

We love the collaboration between Case Studyo and graphic artist Andy Rementer called People Blocks. It consists of four unique wooden characters entirely made and painted by hand. The individual pieces are interchangeable, allowing them to be re-assembled and stacked to create custom characters or abstract sculptures. The series captures the spirit of Rementer’s work, high key color, bold decorative pattern and oddly pensive characters which interact in unexpected and often humorous ways with the surroundings in which they are arranged. The characters: Antoine, Fabienne, Jean and François are sold individually and packaged in a screen printed wooden box. Each sculpture comes with a certificate of authenticity signed and numbered by the artist.

Case Studyo is a publisher and producer of artworks by contemporary artists. They specialize in different forms and places of creative expression and the abolishment of predefined rules we do not limit ourselves to a certain style or visual language. The focus lays on artists they consider to be important within the interesting and changing sentiment of modern day living. This results in collaborations into fine art works, furniture or other functional objects with the ambition to push new boundaries of art a bit further and grab the art of today and share it through the limited series.

Andy Rementer is an award winning Graphic Artist from USA. A sense of timelessness and nostalgia permeate the visual world of the artist who grew up in a Victorian beach town. Another reoccurring theme of Rementer’s work is isolation, something he cites as an effect of his abrupt relocation to an urban environment in formative years and often depicted in his work through his characters’ underlying unease. He graduated from The University of the Arts in 2004. After working with Fabrica in northern Italy, he relocated to the East Coast where he divides his time between drawing, painting, and developing his first graphic novel.

His colorful and vibrant work has been featured through a variety of sources including an ongoing collaboration with Apartamento Magazine, The New York Times, MTV, The New Yorker, Le Monde, New York Magazine and Creative Review. He has exhibited his art in solo and group shows throughout Europe, America and Australia. He has recently been awarded as a Young Gun by the Art Directors Club.

For more information see here.