Keith Magazine
For us the most exciting thing about the current global creative climate is that you really have to look hard to find excellence. Where it used to be clear at first sight what stood out, now a days – despite the great amount of different projects one encounters – the homogeneity is what often strikes us most. As we have stated before, especially in the ever-growing field of (or semi-) independent zines (that come and go) it happens too often that people seem to go by a borrowed or patch-worked vision, rather then bringing something new. Fortunately there will always remain gems to be found. The just launched Keith Magazine is one of those names, really impressing us when we caught the first glimpses of Issue Zero. Without knowing much about it, we know what matters most: Keith is one of the most promising new magazines we’ve found in a long time. Hopefully with a lot more to come from them in the future.
I am a photographer so the destination is always the journey and the freedom that comes with it. Other than that I can only say that this journey was one of the hardest and extremely liberating. I can’t say where Keith will go next, but I am excited to get back on the road. I hope to find more people to join me this time.
The New York City-based magazine carries the name of its founder; Keith, who is always rather mysteriously just mentioned as such, and without a doubt has started the magazine truly out of his passion for it rather than anything else. The photography to be found in the magazine was all shot by its founder and shows a beautiful sensibility for elegance, both in the color palette of the images shot at magic hour or the monochrome photos. Overal spoken the magazine presents different genres of fashion photography, never in an aesthetic we haven’t seen before, but always done right. We are particularly drawn to Keith’s cover, which has a timeless beauty and was designed remarkably, making it an instant favorite of ours.
Order Keith Magazine Issue Zero here
Or pick it up at one of their worldwide retailers.