Katja Kremenić’s Dairy
At the end of last year the Berlin-based Croatian photographer Katja Kremenić shared some of her latest dairy shots with us and they are, like her earlier work, quite stunning. We first wrote about Katja’s work after the release of the highly remarkable series named ‘Rip Currents‘, which was preceded by other beautiful grainy black and white series with similar themes named ‘Corse Noir’ and ‘Bonanza’, in which the photographer explores areas with the sea and beach holding a prominent role as the iconic backdrop for the often-times softly portrayed subjects of her images. In these recent diary shots her love for analogue techniques, the beach and female appearances is again very apparent, always maintaining a significant sentiment of soft- and even tenderness in the images she creates. The motivation for all of Katja’s work lays in catching certain feelings and an overall atmosphere at the particular moment in time, when she encounters, people, places or even clothes, which she directly aims to communicate to the spectator. Consistently resulting in remarkably appealing images, making us look forward to more beautiful work by the very talented photographer.
What enchants me in photography is the fact that each picture has a trace of reality.
In an interview with one of her recent clients, fashion brand Datura, Kremenić states on her forming influences:
I lived on an island of Cres in Croatia during my whole childhood. And that is something that still has a big influence on many things in my life. No matter where I am. I did travel a lot lately and just recently moved to Berlin. It’s a city life that I like, as much as nature, that made me stay here for now. But rather then great scenery I’m focusing more on people lately.
Follow Katja’s ongoing diary here.
For more information and her full portfolio see here.