AETHERfocus presents Argonaut Cycles
We really like the latest endeavor by one of our favorite outdoor label, Los Angeles-based Aether Apparel. Last December, as an enhancement to their online Journal, they introduced AETHERfocus. The new project is a video series that showcases individuals and companies that inspire the people at Aether. The very first episode focusses on Ben Farver of Argonaut Cycles. This company offers custom-built carbon frames, designed and manufactured entirely in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Each of their bikes are handcrafted using an innovative construction process for a completely tailored riding experience. The company is driven by a sincere passion for the sport of cycling, striving to make the best, because they want to ride the best.
Ben Farver started out making steel bikes for reasons of style and beauty. But as within a bicycle, steel can’t exist without carbon, you can’t make carbon feel truly alive without knowing steel: Farver knows both thoroughly. If one would examine the inside of every piece which is produced by Argonaut, the same sculpted surfaces which distinguish the handcrafted steel frames would show.
Argonaut is of the philosophy that once you have decided to go to all the trouble of making something, you might as well make it perfect.
We take as much pride in the refinement of the Argonaut frame’s design as we do its performance. Just because you can mold carbon in the shape of a spaceship, it doesn’t mean you should. The Argonaut frame is an exercise in restraint. Inspired by our original steel frames, we let form follow function.
The video was shot and edited by Ryan Pettey.
To follow AETHERfocus see here and for more information on Argonaut Cycles see here.