Wythe Hotel
After a lovely post by Daniel Benning of The 189 about photographer Brian W Ferry, we found out about this lovely Wythe Hotel in Williamsburg Brooklyn, shot by Brian W Ferry for Brooklyn Magazine. The hotel is a result of nearly five years of planning and renovating initiated by the three masterminds behind it, Peter Lawrence, an Australian hotelier, real estate developer Jed Walentas and Andrew Tarlow of Diner (that lovely diner down Brooklyn Bridge and the well known food magazine). It truly looks amazing, all made with a great eye for detail and some lovely art pieces all made by local artist. This will definitely be our place when in NYC.
Love the buoyant atmosphere penned down by Brooklyn Magazine — “In the hotel’s new restaurant, Reynards, suits and beards alike enjoyed mid-day cocktails while a woman with a little paisley cape spoke with an indeterminate accent to a gorgeous concierge with a fro.”