Village Cold Brew for LiveBuild
We love coffee in all its forms, and last weekend our favorite coffee bar The Village Coffee & Music was kind enough to offer a delicious cold brew to the public during the 24 hour LiveBuild fundraiser, which took place throughout the city of Utrecht. Illustrator Raymond Teitsma was responsible for the design of the label on the medicine-like bottle, exclusively brewed for and entirely donated to the project. This year’s 24 hour LiveBuild raised money for the Manganjo water project. This endeavor aims to achieve the facilitation of clean drinking water and proper sanitation in the Cameroonian villages: Mabonji, Nganjo Nene and Nganjo Titi. Once, through amongst others the donations during last weekends fundraiser, the villages are provided with the proper wells, they will manage and maintain the water system itself from a yet to establish local water business.
LiveBuild is an organization which believes that everyone has the power to improve their lives. But without a good basis: clean water, sanitation and proper education, this is an almost impossible challenge. This is where LiveBuild sees its role. Together with the local community they aim to build the structures necessary for people to reach their full potential. Not just by building toilets, pipes and buildings, LiveBuild also aims to enrich local knowledge, in order for villages to maintain, after certain new structures are provided. Next to infrastructural improvements LiveBuild also aims to build up trust within the communities to make sure villagers fully commit themselves to each other and their project. With as the final goal that their basic needs are met and the finalization of awareness of their own power to improve their life and the lives of others around them.
We really appreciate the initiatives of LiveBuild and absolutely loved The Village Cold Brew. Also, see more work of Raymond Teitsma here.
For more information on LiveBuild see here and make sure to donate to the Mangajo water project which still is in need for more funding!