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Some months ago I’d published the work of Monika Bielskyte. Her images made a huge impact on me, and it really fed my autumn feeling.
Recently she started SOME/THINGS, starting as an online magazine, resulting in a limited edition publication it is a place for something. Something with a story, something personal, something one could believe in, something that would not become outdated, something to reopen & rediscover year after year… Basically, its a collection of images and articles from inspiring and beautiful people…
In her words: — What interests us is uncommon beauty, shades of black, works of shadows & works of light, things timeless & expressions unique, depth, humility, discretion, communication, disappearance, traces, scars, violence & desire, need to be fully alive & need to see. —
Above the image by Edouard Beau – Images from Iraq.