Private Classicist
Once again our friend Sergei Sviatchenko returns with a very interesting project. After starting Close Up and Private in 2009 as an online art project in which he shared his collage-like photographic vision on style, it quickly rose to fame for both this created aesthetic as Sergei’s own impeccable style, which gained him personally a lot of rightful attention. Based on this fundament of Close Up and Private, Sergei now decided to take his endeavors one step further, in a concept which features continuing collaborations with an international rage of heritage brands and skilled craftsmen. With the new project, named Private Classicist, Sergei aims to create a solid range of classic menswear items that verges on pushing the boundaries of current minimalist fashion towards the classic style championed by Sergei himself and his work.
The overall style of Private Classist is very in line with Sergei’s earlier work and is particularly based upon Close Up and Private’s 2010 document Etiquette for the Modern Classicist, which is a loosely compiled list of scrupulous style cues for gentlemen, consisting of fashion, art and life choices ranging from ‘always consider a well-fitting navy blazer with gold buttons’ to ‘be a gentleman towards women’.
In classicist style, the range so far only involves ties and belts, through the collaboration with Danish companies Danslips and Jeppe Dencker’s LeatherProjects which Sviatchenko found with the help of CPHmade, but considering Sergei’s all-round love for the classic preppy aesthetic, it is very likely that there is a lot more to come for the Private Classicist brand.
The beautiful first collaboration of Private Classist has just been presented at Copenhagen Fashion Week with an exhibition and a film.
For more information see here.