Nigel Cabourn day 2
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Two days with Nigel Cabourn gave us enough inspiration for the coming years, and it definitely made us enthusiastic enough to help Nigel tell his story for the next decades…
We will do a long article on Nigel in our upcoming Journal de Nîmes, make a new video report on his new collection and we’ll try to put together a documentation on his inspiration and his archive of vintage clothing.
Together with our former intern Timo Demollin we shot a huge amount of footage for all these items but I just can’t wait for the release of Journal de Nîmes to share a first glimpse of the studio.
Thank you so much Nigel and Drew for the warm welcome and all the things you both shared with us – and thank you Tenue de Nîmes for the chance to meet this genius!

The inspiration of the SS11 collection… More soon.
For a few more images visit the Journal de Nîmes blog >