
In many cases the real beauty of a piece of music only reveals itself after playing it a few times, like Joanna Newsom’s music I wrote about previously. But sometimes there is no need for such an incubation process. The first time I heard Glasser’s debut album Ring, its sincere and to-the-point sound immediately appealed to me.

Glasser is Cameron Mesirow. Her first release was the Apply EP (2009), which she recorded herself using mainly Apple’s Garageband on her laptop. As the story goes she recorded the vocals for the title track Apply in the shoe store where she worked a the moment – I would have liked to see the expression on the faces of the unsuspecting customers entering the store. Afterwards she edited the EP on a plane. It is interesting to hear the difference between the original version and the version on Ring (2010), especially when you know the story behind it.

Mesirow comes from a creative family; Her father plays with the Blue Man Group in Berlin and it was him who taught her how to play the guitar. Her mother was founder of the new-wave group Human Sexual Response, active around 1980. While Cameron initially studied German and literature, she apparently could not ignore her creative and musical roots.