Feathers at Gallery 33
Our friends at Gallery 33 opened a very interesting new exhibition named Feathers on the 25th of October. The multidisciplinary exhibition has dinosaurs as its main theme, resulting from the everlasting dinosaur phase which the Gallery 33 crew never outgrew. And with the popular opinion amongst palaeontologists nowadays that modern birds are considered to be the only surviving dinosaurs, as some of them had feathers in some way, shape or form; the exhibition was named Feathers.
The work in the exhibition comes from 24 artists who were asked to revisit their childhood and create all new work based on these majestic creatures that once ruled the earth. The work is very diverse, with techniques ranging from watercolor to pure digital illustration, from dip pen and indian ink to riso prints and everything in between, with even some small wooden dinosaur statues on display.
Together with designer Tieme Rietveld, Present Plus created Gallery 33 a year go. The goal was to use the space to heighten the senses and draw out creative thinking. Located in Amsterdam’s cultural centre; The Westergas Terrein, housed in an old factory providing a blank canvas for whatʼs good in all verticals of the creative world, playing host to a plethora of different exhibitions, gigs, sessions, dinners and workshops. With a clear focus on: authenticity, consistency, innovation and experience.
Also look out for the exclusive Kuvva set which will run in conjunction with the exhibition!
Gallery 33 is located at the Pazzanistraat 33, Amsterdam. The Feathers exposition will run until the 6th of January.