Bright Bags
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For Bright magazine we did a review on bags, focused on the corporate laptop carriers, but than the nice one, the one we want to be seen with… It became a very nice collection of bags, varying from the absolute classic Filson, to the contemporary Mismo bags. Get your hands on the latest issue of Bright to read the whole review. In short, here’s the list. 1. The off red Qwstion office bag. 2.The Escotype Presse(unfortunately they are not being made anymore…) 3. Our favorite shopper, laptop bag mix by Ally Capellino. 4. The very basic canvas bag by Beckel Canvas (our favorite tent manufacturer) 5. A stylish counterpart of all the vintage; the Arne briefcase by Sandqvist. 6. Off course our dutch friends can’t be missed here; the soft leather Tom Tom by Ellen Truijen. 7. The very classic bold statement by Filson. 8. Hand-made, recut vintage, and all unique Temple bags. 9. We close the feature with this fantastic doctor bag inspired masterwork by Mismo.